Sofia Airport meets Category III B for landing in low visibility

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  • Sofia Airport meets Category III B for landing in low visibility
Sofia Airport meets Category III B for landing in low visibility

Sofia Airport qualifies to land planes in dense fog and low visibility.

airplanes to Sofia Airport will be able to land also in a dense fog. From 00.00 hrs tonight the airport meets Category III B for landing in low visibility according to the international regulations.

This means that aircrafts can land in fog from the east with a minimum horizontal visibility of 75 meters and commander decision height of 15 meters.

Sofia Airport has been in its current Category III A, since October 2008. This allowed for landing at a visibility of 200 meters and commander decision height of over 30 meters.

Sofia Airport is now one of the few in Europe with a Category III B. This will reduce the number of cancelled or delayed flights in the Bulgarian capital, which often suffers from dense fogs due to its location in a valley.

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